7. Rhenumis e@uction

Numismatics, coins, collections, banknotes, jewelry

1/14/25, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 10001 to 11492


12/5/24, 1:00 PM - UTC
Lot 2501 to 2601


12/5/24, 2:00 PM - UTC
Lot 2602 to 2613

13. Rhenumis-Auction

Numismatics, banknotes, jewelry, militaria, toys


Coins Antiquity to GDR

10/23/24, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1 to 297

Coins Europe and overseas, Medals

10/23/24, 10:30 AM - UTC
Lot 298 to 583

Coins Collections

10/23/24, 12:30 PM - UTC
Lot 584 to 594

Banknotes Germany until 1945

10/23/24, 12:45 PM - UTC
Lot 595 to 691

Lot 692 to 872

Lot 1001 to 1108


10/24/24, 9:15 AM - UTC
Lot 1109 to 1745

Jewelry & Varia

10/24/24, 1:15 PM - UTC
Lot 2001 to 2224

Collector toys

10/24/24, 2:15 PM - UTC
Lot 2225 to 2270

6. Rhenumis e@uction

Numismatics, coins, collections, banknotes, jewelry

9/12/24, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 20001 to 21539

5. Rhenumis e@uction

Numismatics, Medals, Collections, Banknotes

7/11/24, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 10001 to 11155

12. Rhenumis-Auktion

Numismatics, Banknotes, Watches, Jewelry, Varia, Militaria



5/15/24, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1 to 197

German Coins

5/15/24, 9:15 AM - UTC
Lot 198 to 678

Coins All World

5/15/24, 12:30 PM - UTC
Lot 679 to 850


5/15/24, 1:45 PM - UTC
Lot 851 to 908

Coins collections

5/15/24, 2:15 PM - UTC
Lot 909 to 950

Banknotes Germany

5/15/24, 2:30 PM - UTC
Lot 951 to 1163

Banknotes abroad

5/15/24, 3:45 PM - UTC
Lot 1164 to 1400

Banknote collections

5/15/24, 5:00 PM - UTC
Lot 1401 to 1443

Emergency money

5/15/24, 5:15 PM - UTC
Lot 1444 to 1500


5/16/24, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 2001 to 2080

Jewelry and Varia

5/16/24, 9:15 AM - UTC
Lot 2081 to 2388

Lot 3001 to 3101


5/16/24, 2:15 PM - UTC
Lot 3102 to 3374

4. Rhenumis e@uction


3/21/24, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 10001 to 10985

3. Rhenumis e@uction


1/16/24, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 10001 to 11509

11. Rhenumis-Auction

Coins, medals, banknotes, militaria, jewelry, watches, toys


Collection Fritz Taeger

11/9/23, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 10001 to 10204

Collection G.H.P.

11/9/23, 11:30 AM - UTC
Lot 10205 to 10444


11/9/23, 2:00 PM - UTC
Lot 10445 to 10708

Medieval, RDR, Old Germany to FRG

11/10/23, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 10709 to 11134

Europe and overseas, samples

11/10/23, 12:30 PM - UTC
Lot 11135 to 11679


11/13/23, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 11680 to 12084

Lot 12085 to 12201

Banknotes, emergency money

11/13/23, 2:00 PM - UTC
Lot 12202 to 12455


11/14/23, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 12456 to 12876


11/14/23, 1:00 PM - UTC
Lot 12877 to 12997

Jewelry, Varia

11/14/23, 2:00 PM - UTC
Lot 12998 to 13316

Collectors toys

11/14/23, 4:00 PM - UTC
Lot 13317 to 13537

2. Rhenumis e@uction

Coins, medals and notes single lots

Lot 20001 to 20750

Lot 20751 to 21310

1. Rhenumis e@uction

Coins, medals, banknotes, collections

Lot 10001 to 10583

Lot 10584 to 11178

10. Rhenumis-Auction

Münzen, Medaillen, Banknoten, Varia, Militaria, Schmuck und Uhren

Ended Results

Einzellose Teil I

4/25/23, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1 to 840

Einzellose Teil II

4/26/23, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 841 to 1845

Sammlungen und Posten

4/27/23, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1846 to 2270

Banknoten, Notgeld, Literatur

4/27/23, 1:00 PM - UTC
Lot 2271 to 2545


4/28/23, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 2546 to 3094

Varia, Uhren, Banknoten II, Schmuck

4/28/23, 12:00 PM - UTC
Lot 3095 to 3809

Münzen Antike

11/24/22, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1 to 320

Lot 321 to 807

Münzen Europa und Übersee, Medaillen

11/25/22, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 808 to 1466


11/25/22, 3:00 PM - UTC
Lot 1467 to 1616

Banknoten, Literatur

11/25/22, 4:00 PM - UTC
Lot 1617 to 1846


9/1/22, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1 to 522

Varia, Schmuck

9/1/22, 2:00 PM - UTC
Lot 523 to 532

Münzen Deutschland und alle Welt

9/2/22, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 862 to 1061


9/2/22, 12:30 PM - UTC
Lot 1062 to 1144


9/2/22, 1:00 PM - UTC
Lot 1145 to 1231


9/2/22, 2:30 PM - UTC
Lot 1232 to 1327
Lot 1 to 170

Münzen Deutsches Kaiserreich bis DDR

5/18/22, 11:00 AM - UTC
Lot 171 to 383

Lot 384 to 783


5/19/22, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 784 to 892

Banknoten und Literatur

5/19/22, 12:30 PM - UTC
Lot 893 to 1146

Militaria, Varia, Schmuck

5/19/22, 1:50 PM - UTC
Lot 1147 to 1235

Sammlung Mainz

5/21/22, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 5127 to 5514
Lot 1 to 179

Münzen Deutsches Kaiserreich bis DDR

3/10/22, 12:00 PM - UTC
Lot 180 to 438

Lot 439 to 756


3/11/22, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 757 to 844

Banknoten und Literatur

3/11/22, 12:00 PM - UTC
Lot 845 to 1175

Militaria, Varia und Schmuck

3/11/22, 1:30 PM - UTC
Lot 1176 to 1226

Münzen Antike und RDR

11/24/21, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1 to 262

Münzen RDR, Deutschland bis heute

11/24/21, 1:00 PM - UTC
Lot 264 to 607

Münzen Europa und Übersee, Medaillen

11/25/21, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 608 to 1027


11/25/21, 3:00 PM - UTC
Lot 1028 to 1188


11/26/21, 9:30 AM - UTC
Lot 1189 to 1458


11/26/21, 11:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1459 to 1709

Militaria, Varia

11/26/21, 12:30 PM - UTC
Lot 1710 to 1954


11/26/21, 2:00 PM - UTC
Lot 1 to 628

Sammlungen, Banknoten, Literatur

9/9/21, 1:00 PM - UTC
Lot 629 to 749

Varia, Militaria, Schmuck

9/9/21, 2:30 PM - UTC
Lot 750 to 933

Lot 6409 to 6421

Münzen Deutschland bis heute

5/26/21, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 187 to 542

Münzen Antike und RDR

5/26/21, 12:00 PM - UTC
Lot 1 to 186

Lot 543 to 1313

Sammlungen, Banknoten, Literatur

5/28/21, 8:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1314 to 1603

Varia, Militaria, Schmuck

5/28/21, 10:30 AM - UTC
Lot 1604 to 1711

Münzen Antike und Deutschland

3/11/21, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1 to 203

Lot 204 to 565

Sammlungen, Banknoten, Literatur

3/12/21, 10:00 AM - UTC
Lot 566 to 815

Varia, Militaria, Schmuck

3/12/21, 11:00 AM - UTC
Lot 816 to 910

Münzen Antike und RDR

11/24/20, 1:00 PM - UTC
Lot 1 to 270

Münzen Deutschland bis 1918

11/25/20, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 271 to 1110

Lot 1111 to 1890

Sammlungen, Banknoten, Literatur

11/27/20, 9:00 AM - UTC
Lot 1891 to 2217

Varia, Militaria, Schmuck

11/27/20, 11:30 AM - UTC
Lot 2218 to 2321