1 Fen to 1 Yuan, 1980, business strike set, in the black folder, st.
Estimated price | 1,000 € |
Starting bid | 1,000 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Numismatics, banknotes, jewelry, militaria, toys
1 Fen to 1 Yuan, 1980, business strike set, in the black folder, st.
Estimated price | 1,000 € |
Starting bid | 1,000 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
1 Fen to 1 Yuan, 1984, business strike set, year the rat, in the blister with repackaging, PP.
Estimated price | 4,000 € |
Starting bid | 4,000 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
16 Skilling, 1714, Frederik IV., Hede 47, a little adjusts, very fine to extremly fine.
Estimated price | 100 € |
Starting bid | 1 bid(s) 100 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
1 Speciestaler, 1833, Frederik VI, Hede 26 b, Dav. 73, extremley fine
Estimated price | 250 € |
Starting bid | 250 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Rigsdaler, 1855, Frederik VII, Hede 8, contact marks, extremley fine
Estimated price | 80 € |
Starting bid | 1 bid(s) 80 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Riksdaler, 1821, Karl XIV. Johan, Stockholm, Delzanno 8, Dav. 349, small planchet fault and cancellation error, extremly fine to uncirculated.
Estimated price | 800 € |
Starting bid | 800 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
2 Riksdaler Riksmynt, 1871, Karl XV, Stockholm, Delzanno 18, tiny scratch and edge nick, extremly fine to uncirculated.
Estimated price | 1,000 € |
Starting bid | 1,000 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Bronzemedaille (Dm. 80,5 mm, 189,91 g), o.J., von Deschler München, Jagdgeschwader 6 "Horst Wessel". Av: Adler mit SA-Abzeichen nach links. Rev: 3 Zeilen Schrift im Eichenlaubkranz. vz.
Estimated price | 200 € |
Starting bid | 200 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Bronzemedaille (Dm. 75,0 mm, 158,63 g), o.J., von Deschler München, auf die 14. Panzerdivision Kradschützenbataillon 64. Av: Kopf eines Soldaten nach links. Rev: Hakenkreuz im Strahlenkranz, darum Umschrift. Wz. Rf., vz.
Estimated price | 300 € |
Starting bid | 300 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Denmark, Frederik V., silver medal (Dm. 42, 70 mm, 39, 91 g), 1767, from J. H. Wolff, on his Death. Av: head to the right, therefore \"FREDERICUS V D G REX DAN NORV VAND GOTH\". Rev: mourner Dania between shields before tomb monument, over it \"CONSERVATORI SUO\". Slightly rubbed, extremley fine
Estimated price | 400 € |
Starting bid | 400 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Großbritannien, Georg III., Silbermedaille (27,41 g, 21,3 mm), 1764, von Thomas Pingo, auf die Ernennung Friedrich Augusts zum Fürstbischof von Osnabrück. Av.: Britannia an Schild vor Tisch sitzend, dahinter Mitra. Rev.: Neunzeilige Inschrift sowie Umschrift. Kl. Kr., Rf., Avers etw. bestoßen, ss+. Friedrich war der zweite Sohn König Georgs III. von England, war zur Ernennung erst sechs Monate alt und zudem der letzte Fürstbischof Osnabrücks; 1802/03 wurde das Fürstbistum säkularisiert.
Estimated price | 100 € |
Starting bid | 100 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Schweiz, Vevey, Silbermedaille (Dm. 31,6 mm, 8,88 g), o.J., unsigniert, Schulprämienmedaille. Av: Stadtwappen im Lorbeerkranz. Rev: Nach links sitzende Minerva bekränzt einen vor ihr stehenden Schüler. Schrötlingsriss, Stempelfehler, kl. Kr., vz-st.
Estimated price | 50 € |
Starting bid | 50 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Schweiz, Bern, Silbermedaille (Dm. 45,6 mm, 39,99 g), o.J., von J. C. Mörikofer, Prämienmedaille der Ökonomischen Gesellschaft. Av: Libertas mit Füllhorn und Freiheitshut auf Stange sitzt auf einem Seedorfpflug. vz.
Estimated price | 150 € |
Starting bid | 150 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Schweiz, Basel, Silbermedaille (Dm. 25,7 mm, 5,97 g), 1760, von Mörikofer, auf die 300 Jahrfeier der Universität. Av: Sitzende Minerva mit Baselschild. Rev: Obelisk. Wz. Kr., st.
Estimated price | 50 € |
Starting bid | 50 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Schweiz, Burgdorf, Silbermedaille (Dm. 27,9 mm, 4,46 g), o.J., unsigniert, sogen. Psalmpfennig. Av: Lorbeerbekränzetes Wappen auf mit Palmzweigen besteckter Kartusche. Rev: 6 Zeilen Schrift. ss-vz.
Estimated price | 80 € |
Starting bid | 80 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
5, 10, 25 and 50 penny and 1 Mark, 1923, from Karl Goetz, emergency currency of the district office to pass, from iron, Kienast 93, extremly fine and better.
Estimated price | 120 € |
Starting bid | 120 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Blackened cast Iron Medal (Dm. 57, 3 mm, 38, 76 g), 1916, from Karl Goetz, on the Homecoming S. M. S. Gull\". Av: gull escapes the British monster with lionhead. Rev: 4 lines characters in from two fishes formed frame. Kienast 175, freshly cast.
Estimated price | 100 € |
Starting bid | 100 € |
Bidding currently not possible.
Blackened zinc medal (Dm. 35, 9 mm, 19, 32 g), 1938, from Karl Goetz, on the absorption of the Sudeten country. Av: woman with child on the beggarly lifts defending the hand before upright snake. Rev: upright sword and shield between characters. Edge punch: Bavarian. Imperial Mint, Kienast 550, extremley fine
Estimated price | 70 € |
Starting bid | 70 € |
Bidding currently not possible.