Catalog - 13. Rhenumis-Auction

Numismatics, banknotes, jewelry, militaria, toys

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13. Rhenumis-Auction - Coins Europe and overseas, Medals
Coins World Coins
Lot 302 4
People's Republic of China

1 Fen to 1 Yuan, 1980, business strike set, in the black folder, st.

Estimated price
1,000 €
Starting bid
1,000 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 304 2
People's Republic of China

1 Fen to 1 Yuan, 1984, business strike set, year the rat, in the blister with repackaging, PP.

Estimated price
4,000 €
Starting bid
4,000 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 307 1

16 Skilling, 1714, Frederik IV., Hede 47, a little adjusts, very fine to extremly fine.

Estimated price
100 €
Starting bid
1 bid(s) 100 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 308 1

1 Speciestaler, 1833, Frederik VI, Hede 26 b, Dav. 73, extremley fine

Estimated price
250 €
Starting bid
250 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 309 1

Rigsdaler, 1855, Frederik VII, Hede 8, contact marks, extremley fine

Estimated price
80 €
Starting bid
1 bid(s) 80 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 476 1

Riksdaler, 1821, Karl XIV. Johan, Stockholm, Delzanno 8, Dav. 349, small planchet fault and cancellation error, extremly fine to uncirculated.

Estimated price
800 €
Starting bid
800 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 477 1

2 Riksdaler Riksmynt, 1871, Karl XV, Stockholm, Delzanno 18, tiny scratch and edge nick, extremly fine to uncirculated.

Estimated price
1,000 €
Starting bid
1,000 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Coins Medals
Lot 513
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Germany before 1900

Bronzemedaille (Dm. 80,5 mm, 189,91 g), o.J., von Deschler München, Jagdgeschwader 6 "Horst Wessel". Av: Adler mit SA-Abzeichen nach links. Rev: 3 Zeilen Schrift im Eichenlaubkranz. vz.

Estimated price
200 €
Starting bid
200 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 516
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Germany before 1900

Bronzemedaille (Dm. 75,0 mm, 158,63 g), o.J., von Deschler München, auf die 14. Panzerdivision Kradschützenbataillon 64. Av: Kopf eines Soldaten nach links. Rev: Hakenkreuz im Strahlenkranz, darum Umschrift. Wz. Rf., vz.

Estimated price
300 €
Starting bid
300 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 517 1
Medals Foreign before 1900

Denmark, Frederik V., silver medal (Dm. 42, 70 mm, 39, 91 g), 1767, from J. H. Wolff, on his Death. Av: head to the right, therefore \"FREDERICUS V D G REX DAN NORV VAND GOTH\". Rev: mourner Dania between shields before tomb monument, over it \"CONSERVATORI SUO\". Slightly rubbed, extremley fine

Estimated price
400 €
Starting bid
400 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 518 1
Medals Foreign before 1900

Großbritannien, Georg III., Silbermedaille (27,41 g, 21,3 mm), 1764, von Thomas Pingo, auf die Ernennung Friedrich Augusts zum Fürstbischof von Osnabrück. Av.: Britannia an Schild vor Tisch sitzend, dahinter Mitra. Rev.: Neunzeilige Inschrift sowie Umschrift. Kl. Kr., Rf., Avers etw. bestoßen, ss+. Friedrich war der zweite Sohn König Georgs III. von England, war zur Ernennung erst sechs Monate alt und zudem der letzte Fürstbischof Osnabrücks; 1802/03 wurde das Fürstbistum säkularisiert.

Estimated price
100 €
Starting bid
100 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 533 1
Medals Foreign before 1900

Schweiz, Vevey, Silbermedaille (Dm. 31,6 mm, 8,88 g), o.J., unsigniert, Schulprämienmedaille. Av: Stadtwappen im Lorbeerkranz. Rev: Nach links sitzende Minerva bekränzt einen vor ihr stehenden Schüler. Schrötlingsriss, Stempelfehler, kl. Kr., vz-st.

Estimated price
50 €
Starting bid
50 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 536 1
Medals Foreign before 1900

Schweiz, Bern, Silbermedaille (Dm. 45,6 mm, 39,99 g), o.J., von J. C. Mörikofer, Prämienmedaille der Ökonomischen Gesellschaft. Av: Libertas mit Füllhorn und Freiheitshut auf Stange sitzt auf einem Seedorfpflug. vz.

Estimated price
150 €
Starting bid
150 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 538 1
Medals Foreign before 1900

Schweiz, Basel, Silbermedaille (Dm. 25,7 mm, 5,97 g), 1760, von Mörikofer, auf die 300 Jahrfeier der Universität. Av: Sitzende Minerva mit Baselschild. Rev: Obelisk. Wz. Kr., st.

Estimated price
50 €
Starting bid
50 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 539 1
Medals Foreign before 1900

Schweiz, Burgdorf, Silbermedaille (Dm. 27,9 mm, 4,46 g), o.J., unsigniert, sogen. Psalmpfennig. Av: Lorbeerbekränzetes Wappen auf mit Palmzweigen besteckter Kartusche. Rev: 6 Zeilen Schrift. ss-vz.

Estimated price
80 €
Starting bid
80 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 559 3
Medals Karl Goetz

5, 10, 25 and 50 penny and 1 Mark, 1923, from Karl Goetz, emergency currency of the district office to pass, from iron, Kienast 93, extremly fine and better.

Estimated price
120 €
Starting bid
120 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 561 1
Medals Karl Goetz

Blackened cast Iron Medal (Dm. 57, 3 mm, 38, 76 g), 1916, from Karl Goetz, on the Homecoming S. M. S. Gull\". Av: gull escapes the British monster with lionhead. Rev: 4 lines characters in from two fishes formed frame. Kienast 175, freshly cast.

Estimated price
100 €
Starting bid
100 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 577
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Karl Goetz

Blackened zinc medal (Dm. 35, 9 mm, 19, 32 g), 1938, from Karl Goetz, on the absorption of the Sudeten country. Av: woman with child on the beggarly lifts defending the hand before upright snake. Rev: upright sword and shield between characters. Edge punch: Bavarian. Imperial Mint, Kienast 550, extremley fine

Estimated price
70 €
Starting bid
70 €

Bidding currently not possible.

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Coins Europe and overseas, Medals
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