Catalog - Numismatics

Results 121-140 of 267
of 14
Coins Medals
Lot 10608
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Karl Goetz

Blackened zinc medal (Dm. 35, 9 mm, 19, 32 g), 1938, from Karl Goetz, on the absorption of the Sudeten country. Av: woman with child on the beggarly lifts defending the hand before upright snake. Rev: upright sword and shield between characters. Edge punch: Bavarian. Imperial Mint, Kienast 550, extremley fine

Estimated price
120 €
Starting bid
120 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10610
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Karl Goetz

Zinc medal (Dm. 40, 0 mm, 23, 86 g), 1940, from Karl Goetz, on the 500 year celebration the invention of the printing. Av: length portrait Johannes Gutenbergs to inside right. Rv: Schillerzitat in 7 lines over two against each other leaning coat of arms with helmet crest. Edge punch: Bavarian. Imperial Mint, Kienast 567, extremly fine to uncirculated.

Estimated price
80 €
Starting bid
80 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10611
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Karl Goetz

Zinc medal (Dm. 36, 1 mm, 18, 92 g), 1940, from Karl Goetz, satire medal on the French Prime Ministers Daladier. Av: Chamberlain based besides Daladier before moneybag with pound sign. Rv: Daladier over coat of arms from Lorraine between banners with events and data English French history. Edge punch: Bavarian. Imperial Mint, Kienast 568, zinc corrosion, extremly fine to uncirculated.

Estimated price
100 €
Starting bid
100 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10613
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Karl Goetz

Blackened zinc medal (Dm. 36, 0 mm, 14, 14 g), 1940, from Karl Goetz, on the end the battle of Flanders. Av: King Leopold based with hands up and capitulated, in the background belgian prisoners of war. Rv: British soldiers on the lam within a rowboat. Kienast 574, st.

Estimated price
120 €
Starting bid
120 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10615
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Karl Goetz

Zinc medal (Dm. 36, 0 mm, 19, 07 g), 1941, from Karl Goetz, on the to expecting large events under Adolf Hitler due to that planetary alignment like in the year 800 (Charlemagne) as well 1682 (Johannes Kepler). Av: personified Jove and Saturn. Rv: zodiac sign between coat of arms. Edge punch: Bavarian. Imperial Mint, Kienast 581, extremley fine

Estimated price
200 €
Starting bid
200 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10616
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Karl Goetz

Zinc medal (Dm. 36, 0 mm, 19, 32 g), 1941, from Karl Goetz, on Hoffman from Fallersleben and the German national anthem. Av: bust to inside right. Rv: start of the German national anthem in 8 lines characters over torch. Edge punch: Bavarian. Imperial Mint, Kienast 583, extremley fine

Estimated price
120 €
Starting bid
120 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10617
The media of this lot contains potentially offensive content.
Medals Karl Goetz

Zinc medal (Dm. 36, 0 mm, 18, 37 g), 1941, from Karl Goetz, on the death of the master aircraft technician General lieutenant Ernst Udet. Av: length portrait to inside right. Rv: biplane over cloud, beneath dive bomber. Edge punch: Bavarian. Imperial Mint, strong corroded, Kienast 590, ss.

Estimated price
20 €
Starting bid
20 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10619 2
Medals Karl Goetz

50, 100 (silver-plated) and 500 (gold plated) millions Mark (Dm. Always. Approximate 32, 9 mm, 12, 4-12, 8 g), 1923, from Karl Goetz, German peoples victims Ruhr and Rhein. Brazen, edge punch: emergency currency, Kienast 644, small Kr., extremley fine

Estimated price
40 €
Starting bid
40 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10620 1
Medals Karl Goetz

Wearable aluminum medal (Dm. 37, 2 mm, 5, 71 g), 1908, from Karl Goetz, on the emperor maneuver and the parade in Metz. Av: length portrait Wilhelm II. In uniform left. Rev: city view. Kienast 685, edge nick, Kr., ss.

Estimated price
20 €
Starting bid
20 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10621 1
Medlas Loos

Silbermedaille (13,61 g, 35,6 mm), o. J. (um 1817), von Loos, Konfirmationsmedaille. Av.: Christus mit Jüngling und Zitat nach 1. Buch Moses 32, 26. Rev.: Altar und Zitat nach 2. Timotheus 2, 8. Sommer B3 var., min. Kr., fast vz.

Estimated price
40 €
Starting bid
40 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10623 1
City Medals

Silesia, Wroclaw, Frankenstein (Zabkowice Slaskie), Zadel, Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (Prussia), copper medal (31, 38 g, 41, 8 mm), undated (1861), from G. Solved, on the reconstruction of the town hall to Frankenstein and Zadel (edified 1661 and through blaze at the 24. April 1858 destroyed). Aversum: Zerstoertes townhall, circumscription and in inscription: God - assist. Reverse: : rebuilt townhall, circumscription and in inscription: God - aided. Contact marks, beginning rainbow patina, extremley fine

Estimated price
30 €
Starting bid
30 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10624 1
Historical Personalites

Belgium, Leopold II., copper medal (87, 24 g, 60, 5 mm), 1867, from Charles Vienna and J. P. Groolaers, on the death of the cardinal archbishop Engelbert Sterckx. Aversum: bust to right, in circumscription name and form of address. Reverse: : cardinal coat over foliage branches, beneath inscription. A little patina, extremley fine

Estimated price
30 €
Starting bid
30 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10625 1
Historical Personalites

Norway, Karl XV, babbitt medal (32, 2 g, 44, 6 mm), 1872, from Lea Ahlborn, on the Death King Karls XV. Aversum: bust to right. Reverse: : looking up female figure, on the steps of a tomb sitting, with coat of arms and death notice. Edge nick, scratch, ss.

Estimated price
30 €
Starting bid
30 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10627 1
Historical Personalites

Silbermedaille (25,33 g, 40,0 mm), 1959, auf den 75. Geburtstag von Theodor Heuss. Av.: Profil nach links, Name und Geburtstagsdatum. Rev.: Zitat mit Datierung. Rand punziert zu 1000 Ar. Beginnender blauer Glanz, vz.

Estimated price
40 €
Starting bid
40 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10629 1

Mansfeld, Wilhelm II., Silbermedaille (16,52 g, 34,40 mm), 1917, von R. Ball, auf 400 Jahre Reformation. Av.: Brustbild Martin Luthers nach rechts. Rev.: Faust auf geschlossener Bibel. Rand punziert zu 950 Ar. Schnell 360, Müseler 49.2.33a, kl. Kr., fast vz.

Estimated price
50 €
Starting bid
50 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10630 1

Vatikan, Pius XI., Bronzemedaille (33,85 g, 44,0 mm), 1925, von Kissing, auf das Jubeljahr. Av.: Brustbild des Papstes nach links, darum herum Kirchenansichten Roms. Rev.: Christus erscheint einer Schar Gläubiger, links der Papst vor der geöffneten Heiligen Pforte. Fast vz.

Estimated price
50 €
Starting bid
50 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10631 1

Vatikan, Weißmetallmedaille (28,69 g, 40,1 mm), 1926, von Heinrich Kissing, auf den 700. Todestag Franz von Assisi. Av.: Brustbild mit Nimbus nach links. Rev.: Sterbeszene und Psalmzitat. An Trageöse, kl. Kr., ss.

Estimated price
40 €
Starting bid
40 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10632 1

Versilberte Bronzepreismedaille (27,46 g, 40,8 mm), 1926, für den I. Platz im 1000m-Lauf des Hallensportfests "Kreis III.c d. D. T. / 7.3.26". Av.: Läufer nach links. Rev.: Entsprechende Inschrift im Lorbeerkranz. Genhenkelt mit Originalöse, ss+.

Estimated price
40 €
Starting bid
40 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10635 2

Set from three silver medals modern embossment (2. H. 20th century) on the three air ships Count Zeppelin, Shenandoah ZR-1 and Hindenburg, aversum in each case with the airships, reverse with scenic depicting US events declaration of Independence 1776, Birth of a nation 1787 and Sehenandoah Valley Campaign 1862, partial turquois black patina, PP.

Estimated price
40 €
Starting bid
40 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Coins Collections
Lot 10637 3

Abandonment of a collection in three albums and one sheet metal can, mainly from 5- and 10-DM as well 10 Euro coins consist (includes also 5 x 5 Euro Planet Earth with blue polymer ring 2016, A-J, J. 607, PP), beneath much silver; besides single nominal of the German Empire (about 5 Mark Baden 1902 G, J. 33, ss) besides single coins of the III. Reichs and the as usual restrike mint of the Maria Theresia thaler 1780 S. F. And single further world coins.

Estimated price
3,100 €
Starting bid
3,100 €

Bidding currently not possible.

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