Catalog - Numismatics, Medals, Collections, Banknotes

Results 681-700 of 1155
of 58
Coins World Coins
Lot 10681 2

KMS, 2003, 25. Pontifikatsjahr Papst Johannes Pauls II., mit Zertifikat im weißen Samtetui und Umverpackung. PP.

Estimated price
90 €
90 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10682 1

1 Cent bis 2 Euro, 2005, Sede Vacante, Kursmünzensatz, minimale Druckstellen, st.

Estimated price
150 €
160 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10683 1

10 Euro, Gold, 2014, Die Taufe, in Originaletui und -verpackung mit Echtheitszertifikat, ohne Fried., PP.

Estimated price
200 €
200 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10684 1

50 Euro, Gold, 2015, Päpstliches Heiligtum Unserer Lieben Frau vom Rosenkranz von Pompei, in Originaletui und -verpackung mit Echtheitszertifikat, Fried.484, pp.

Estimated price
800 €
800 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10685 1

20 Euro, Gold, 2015, Päpstliches Heiligtum Unserer Lieben Frau vom Rosenkranz von Pompei, in Originaletui und -verpackung mit Echtheitszertifikat, Fried.485, PP.

Estimated price
350 €
350 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10686 1

10 Euro, Gold, 2016, Die Taufe, in Originaletui und -verpackung mit Echtheitszertifikat, Fried.494, PP.

Estimated price
200 €
200 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10687 1

100 Ðong, 1986, KM 18, min. Patina, f. st.

Estimated price
50 €
50 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Coins Essays, Strike and Die Errors
Lot 10688 1

Lot, 1 cent to 2 Euro, embossing flaw, all pieces off-center, extremly fine and better, J. 482-489.

Estimated price
110 €
110 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10689 3

Lot composed of a punching sheet for 10 cent pieces, one set from Ronden of 1 cent pending 2 Euro as well the finished stamped parts, blank sheet and pill, one 1 (without edge inscription) and 2 Euro coin (edge inscription: 2 ** 2 inverted). On three self-made album pages with Explanations.

Estimated price
70 €
70 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Coins Medals
Lot 10690 1
Medals Germany before 1900

Augsburg, Silbermedaille (43,89 g, 49,0 mm), o. J. (1. H. 18. Jh.), von P. H. Müller, auf die Ehe. Av.: Symbolische Herzaustauschszene und Umschrift: "GIEB MIR WIE ICH DIR GIEB - DEIN HERTZ IN TREU UND LIEB." Rev.: Trauungsaltar vor Palais und Umschrift: "WAS GOTT ZUSAMMGEFUGT - BLEIBT UNZERTRENT VERGNUGT". Kl. Kr., leicht bestoßen, sonst ss+.

Estimated price
40 €
130 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10691 1
Medals Germany before 1900

Coarser medal tin casting (32, 79 g, 54, 1 mm), to 1702; Abgussvorbild is a silver medal from Philipp Heinrich Mueller on the first receipts the fortress Landau through the imperial militaries Josephs I. From Habsburg i. J. 1702. Aversum: accordingly inscription on the conquest. Reverse: : aeroview the Lan duration fortress. Ss. The silver original at the DDB with the inventory number MK 25782. The fortress Landau became 1704 another time from imperial militaries einigenommen: during a medal on the second conquest regular in the auction offerings appears, are medals on the first so hardly to find; insofar is also the cast in fact rare.

Estimated price
20 €
20 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10692 2
Medals Germany before 1900

Lot aus drei Medaillen: (1) Bronzemedaille 1839 auf 300 Jahre Reformation in der Mark Brandenburg; (2) Bronzemedaille 1844 auf die Ausstellung Deutscher Gewerbserzeugnisse zu Berlin; (3) Eisenmedaille 1876 auf die Landwirtschaftsabteilung Santhoven. Erhaltung um ss-vz.

Estimated price
50 €
Starting bid
50 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10693 2
Medals Germany before 1900

General. Interesting lot from eleven medals of various topic like agriculture, railroad, commercial and commercial chamber, and so on, beneath the bronze medal on the business exhibition 1844, must see.

Estimated price
80 €
110 €

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Lot 10694 1
Medals Germany before 1900

Prussia, Wilhelm I., bronze medal (156, 01 g, 70, 4 mm), 1870, from Leopold Vienna, on the inauguration the Rhein railway bridge between Neuss and Duesseldorf. Aversum: the staggered busts Wilhelms and Augustas to the right. Reverse: : neptune with the municipal coat of arms at the bank of the Rhine storing, in the background the bridge. Doery / Kubinszky 145, Moyaux 337, in the contemporary case, patina stains, otherwise extremley fine

Estimated price
110 €
Starting bid
110 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10695 1
Medals Germany before 1900

Hamburg, Bronzemedaille (Dm. 42,6mm, 33,4g), 1877, von Lorenz, auf das 50 jährige Jubiläum der Sparkasse. Av: Nach rechts sitzende Hammonia empfängt einen Geldschein von einer stehenden bürgerlichen Familie. Rev: 7 Zeilen Schrift im Kranz. Gaedechens 2176, st.

Estimated price
40 €
40 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10696 1
Medals Germany before 1900

Preußen, viereckige Silbermedaille (31,0x31,0mm, 17,69g), 1885, unsigniert, zur Erinnerung an das 25-jährige Regimentsstiftungsfest am 4. Juli. Av: Kopf Friedrich III. im Lorbeerkranz, darum Umschrift. Rev: 8 Zeilen Schrift. Mit Öse, kl. Rf., ss-vz.

Estimated price
30 €
45 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10697 1
Medals Germany before 1900

Hamburg, Bronzemedaille (Dm. 42,5mm, 34,2g), 1888, von Pfeiffer, Brustbilder Voghts und Büschs gestaffelt über Stadtmauer nach rechts. Rev: Stehende Hammonia zwischen zwei knienden Armen. Kl. Rf., vz-st.

Estimated price
20 €
20 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10698 3
Medals Germany before 1900

Berlin. 1894 Berlin (atelier Oertel) 123.940 g. Bronze medal on the ten years German-Russian trade agreements. Aversum: bust of the Chancellor of the Reich count from Caprivi. Reverse: cherub with wand of Mercury and palm branch and centered thirteen lines inscription. Arm relief (7, 8 mm), aversum a little blotched, extremly fine to uncirculated.

Estimated price
100 €
Starting bid
100 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10699 1
Medals Germany before 1900

Frankfurt am Main, polierte Bronzeverdienstmedaille (19,09 g, 33,8 mm), 1899, verliehen von der Deutschen Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft nach Jttem-Heppenheim (wohl Hessen). Av.: Germania mit Schild und Lorbeerkranz vor Feld und Weide. Rev.: Früchtekranz sowie Um- und Inschrift, darunter Prämiertengravur. Kl. Kr., fast vz.

Estimated price
20 €
25 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10700 2
Medals Germany before 1900

Vergoldete Bronzemedaille (Dm. ca. 90mm, ca. 155,60g), 1934, auf die deutschen Kampfspiele. Av: NS-Hoheitsadler über Einmarschszene in Stadion, darum "DEUTSCHE KAMPFSPIELE 1934". Rev: Nürnberger Wappen umgeben von fünf weiteren Wappen, im Außenkranz Darstellung der Sportarten. In Schatulle, vz-st.

Estimated price
270 €
270 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Results 681-700 of 1155
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