Catalog - Coins, medals and notes single lots

Results 21-40 of 750
of 38
Coins Ancient
Lot 20021 1
Greek Judea

Judäa. Jerusalem, AE-Prutah (2,20 g), 4 v. Chr. bis 6 n. Chr., Herodes Archelaos. Av.: Weintraube mit Blatt. Rev.: Helm mit Helmbusch. Meshorer 73, Hendin 505, RPC 4917, kl. Randausbruch, schwarze Patina, ss.

Estimated price
20 €
20 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 20022 1
Greek Seleucid (Empire or Kingdom)

Seleukidien. 15.620 g. SELEUKIDIEN, tetradrachm (15, 62 g), 93-83 BC, Philipp I. Philadelphos. Aversum: main to the right. Reverse: : Zeus throning and Nike holding. Sear 7196, Pozzi 3033, extremley fine

Estimated price
180 €
220 €

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Lot 20023 1
Greek Seleucid (Empire or Kingdom)

Seleukidien. 16.150 g. SELEUKIDIEN, tetradrachm (16, 15 g), 138-129 BC, Antiochos VII. Euergetes. Aversum: Antiochos' main with diadem to the right. Reverse: : Athena based with Nike left and keep spear as well shield. BMC 4.71, 13, Sear 7091, fields tooled, extremley fine

Estimated price
270 €
Starting bid
270 €

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Lot 20024 1
Greek Bactria

Baktrien. Bactria, Parthia, drachm (3, 41 g), Orodes II., 57-38 BC, Susa. Av: bust left. Rev: sitting King with sheet to the right. Ss.

Estimated price
90 €
100 €

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Lot 20025 1
Greek Egypt

Ägypten. 13.430 g. GYPTEN, Ptolemaios X. Alexander I., 110 - 109 BC and 107 - 88 BC AR tetradrachm 99-98 BC Alexandria 13.430 g. Aversum: be main with diadem to the right, reverse: eagle on flash left standing, brisure, reverse golden Lötrest (?). Sear 7941 var, Svoronos 1676, ss.

Estimated price
140 €
Starting bid
140 €

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Lot 20026 1
Greek Egypt

Ägypten. 13.130 g. GYPTEN, Ptolemaios X. Alexander I., 110 - 109 BC and 107 - 88 BC AR tetradrachm 107-106 BC Alexandria 13.130 g. Aversum: be main with diadem to the right, reverse: eagle on flash left standing, brisure, fields partly slightly old-smoothed. Sear 7938, Svoronos 1727, ss.

Estimated price
100 €
140 €

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Lot 20027 1
Greek Egypt

Ägypten. 37.990 g. Egypt, Tyre, Æ (37, 99 g), 246-221 BC, Ptolemaios III. Euergetes. Aversum: bust of the horned Zeus Ammon with taenia and Basileion to the right. Reverse: : eagle with created to brandish on thunderbolt left standing and Greek transcription: "PTOLEMAIOU - BASILEOS". Comparable to CPE 439, s+.

Estimated price
150 €
Starting bid
150 €

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Lot 20028 1
Greek Numidia

Numidien. Æ (12,86 g), 203-148 v. Chr., Massinissa oder Micipsa. Av.: Bebartete Büste nach links. Rev.: Springendes Pferd über Punkt nach links. Alexandropoulos 18 var., s.

Estimated price
30 €
30 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 20029 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Republik

Münzen Römische Republik. 3.650 g. Coins Roman Republic, L. Procilius, denarius (3, 65 g), 80 BC, Rome. Aversum: laureate main of the Jove to the right. Reverse: : Juno Sospita with spear and shield to on the right, before that a snake, behind 'L. PROCILI. F. ' Cr. 379 / 1 south. 771 Bab. 1, slightly zaponized, very fine to extremly fine.

Estimated price
180 €
190 €

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Lot 20030 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Republik

Münzen Römische Republik. P. Maenius Antiaticus, Denar (3,92 g), 132 v. Chr. Av.: Kopf der Roma mit geflügeltem Helm nach rechts, hinter dem Kopf Markierung 'XVI'. Rev.: Geflügelte Victoria mit Lorbeerkranz in Quadriga nach rechts, in Exergue: P. MAE AT / ROMA. CR 249/1; Syd 492; Bab. 7, feine Patina, ss-vz.

Estimated price
100 €
100 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 20031 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Republik

Münzen Römische Republik. 3.900 g. Coins Roman Republic, M. Baebius Q. F. Tampilus, denarius (3, 90 g), 137 BC Cr. 236, extremly fine+.

Estimated price
240 €
Starting bid
240 €

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Lot 20032 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Republik

Münzen Römische Republik. Coins Roman Republic, anonymous, aes grave bronze As (65, 12 g), approximate 217-212 BC, Apulia, Luceria. Av: head of the Hercules with the skin of a lion to the right Rev: horse to the right riding over it star, beneath "L". Therlow Vecci 280, south. 137, dark green patina, rare, ss.

Estimated price
550 €
Starting bid
550 €

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Lot 20033 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Republik

Münzen Römische Republik. Anonym, AE-Sextans (5,92 g), 217-215 v. Chr. Av.: Drapierte Büste des Merkur mit Petasos nach rechts, darüber Wertmarkierung: • •. Rev.: Schiffsbug nach rechts, [darüber fliegende Victoria mit Lorbeerkranz], unterhalb des Schiffs Wertmarkierung: • • sowie Inschrift 'ROMA'. Babelon 44; Crawford 61/6, Felder bearbeitet, vz.

Estimated price
80 €
80 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 20034 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Republik

Münzen Römische Republik. Anonym, AE-Semuncia (6,23 g), 222-187 v. Chr. Av.: Drapierte Büste des Merkur mit Petasos nach rechts. Rev.: Schiffsbug nach rechts, darüber Inschrift 'ROMA'. Syd 87, feine grüne Patina, vz.

Estimated price
70 €
80 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 20035 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit

Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit. Coins Roman empire, Tiberius, 34-37, As (9, 35 g), Rome. Aversum: head of the Divus Augustus with aureole left, in transcription: "DIVVS AVGVSTVS Father". Reverse: : winged flash between S - C. RIC I / no. 83, BNat II no. 141-143, ss.

Estimated price
40 €
40 €

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Lot 20036 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit

Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit. Caligula, 37-41, As (11,32 g), Rom. Av.: Büste mit Diadem nach links und Umschrift: "M AGRIPPA L F COS III". Rev.: Drapierter Neptun von vorn zwischen S - C stehend, den Kopf nach links gewandt, einen Delphin in der rechten Hand und einen Dreizack in der linken haltend. RIC 58, Patina, Randfehler, Relief nachgeschnitten, sonst ss.

Estimated price
60 €
60 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 20037 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit

Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit. Coins Roman empire, Caius (Caligula), 39-40, sestertius (28, 98 g), Rome. Aversum: transcription, beneath PIETAS, Pietas, veiled, seated left, a Patera holding, the left on a statue reinforced. Reverse: : Hexastyler Temple with reich decorated tympanum and garlands, on the housetop quadriga and further Treatises; before that sacrifice scene: the Emperor 'capite velato' sacrificial, flanked from two 'victimarii,' the a with sacrifice bull, the other with Kultgerät. RIC I 44, dark green patina, ss.

Estimated price
200 €
Starting bid
200 €

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Lot 20038 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit

Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit. Coins Roman empire, Traianus, 100-111, As (11, 46 g), Rome. Aversum: bust of the Trajan with laurel wreath to the right, garb over left shoulder, in transcription: "IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P cos V P P". Reverse: : between S - C clothed Spes left treading, in of the right hand a bloom holding, with of the left hand the garb elevating, in transcription "S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI". RIC 519, black patina, ss.

Estimated price
60 €
Starting bid
60 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20039 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit

Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit. Einseitiges Tessera/Tonsiegel (1,38 g, 17,4 mm) aus braunem Ton, 2. oder 3. Jh., Büste mit Diadem nach rechts, s+.

Estimated price
30 €
Starting bid
30 €

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Lot 20040 1
Roman Republic Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit

Münzen Römische Kaiserzeit. Coins Roman empire, Hadrianus, 119-120, Dupondius (13, 31 g), Rome. Aversum: bust of the Hadrianus to the right with aureole and Paludam residue on of the left shoulder, in transcription: "IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS - HADRIANVS AVG". Reverse: : between S - C left standing soursop fruit, keep ears of grain and Cornucopiae (cornucopia), left: Modius, right: Prora, in transcription: "PONT MAX T - R POT cos III / / soursop fruit AVG". RIC RIC II, 570; street II, 522. Nice green patina in places black, ss almost extremley fine

Estimated price
200 €
Starting bid
200 €

Bidding currently not possible.

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