Catalog - Numismatics

Results 21-40 of 1509
of 76
Coins Ancient
Lot 10021 1

Lot of coins different Greek states, beneath Diadochi and a Seleucid tetradrachm, in total 29 pieces. Condition mostly about ss.

Estimated price
400 €
400 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10022 1

Lot Roman coins, as well among others two Denare Faustinas d. Ä. (138-140), a denarius of the Septimius Severus (193-211), a nummus Konstantins I. (306-337) on 'VRBS ROMA' as well a Byzantine Follis Romanos' III. (1028-1034) ; in total 15 pieces. Condition from s to very fine+.

Estimated price
250 €
250 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10023 1

Mixed lot antique bronze coins, over 35 pieces, in mixed condition, treasure trove!

Estimated price
140 €
170 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10024 1

Lot of 5 sesterces a Follis. As well among others Gordianus III., Domitianus, Maximinus, Trebonianus Gallus, Mark Aurelius. Condition mostly about ss.

Estimated price
130 €
Starting bid
130 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10025 1

Kleines Lot aus vier Münzen: Denar des Augustus, Gaius und Lucius, Lugdunum, 2 v. Chr. bis 4 n. Chr., RIC I 207, gelocht, s / Antoninian des Postumus, 268, RIC V 318, ss / unbest. griech. Nominal, korrodiert, s. Außerdem 6 Soldi I. D. Venedig des 77. Dogen Andrea Gritti, 1538, CNI VII 357, wellig, gelocht, ss-.

Estimated price
80 €
80 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10026 2

Lot römischer Münzen: Sesterz (71) Vespasians, Dupondius (169/70) Marc Aurels, Sesterz (222-235) Severus Alexanders, Sesterz (241-243) Gordians III., Antoninian (260-264) Postumus' (Imperium Galliarum), Centenionalis (324) Konstantins I., Follis (306-337) Konstantins I.; mit sechs beiliegenden Beschreibungszetteln. Dazu sechs weitere römische Nominale sowie ein Æ Tigranes' II. (10,31 g, Seleukiden, Antiochia ad Orontem, 80-66 v. Chr., Sear 7207). Insgesamt 14 Münzen, die Erhaltungen bei s-ss.

Estimated price
50 €
50 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Coins Medieval
Lot 10027 1

1.440 g. Anonymous (Otto I. From Oldenburg 1203-1218?). Penny 1.440 g. Aversum: length portrait of the holy Paulus with halo in the pearl circle, right and left each a star, reverse: three-towered building with ambulatories, a little embossing weak, slight patina. Ilisch VII. 4 Grote 12, ss.

Estimated price
30 €
30 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10028 1

Schongau, Brakteat (0,64g), Konradin, 1258-1268. Brustbild des Königs umgeben von Ranken. Berger 2681, Randausbruch, vz.

Estimated price
50 €
50 €

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Lot 10029 3

Sassanids, Drachma, in the conditions about ss, in total 17 pieces.

Estimated price
400 €
400 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10030 3

Lot silver coins and Dirhams among others the Ummayaden, Abbasids and Ilkhane, conditions s to very fine plus, in total 14 pieces.

Estimated price
100 €
130 €

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Coins Holy Roman Empire
Lot 10031 1

1/2 Taler, 1713, Karl VI., Kuttenberg, Herinek 501, Dietiker 996, Henkelspur, gereinigt, Felder bearbeitet, ansonsten ss+.

Estimated price
150 €
170 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10032 1

Taler, 1740, K-B (Kremnitz), Karl VI., Dav. 1062, leicht berieben, ss+.

Estimated price
150 €
240 €

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Coins German states before 1800
Lot 10033 1

Brakteat (0,78g), Hartmann II., 1250-1286. Av: Brustbild des Bischofs zwischen zwei Krummstäben von vorn, darüber Bogen mit Zinnen und zwei Türmchen. Berger 2646, Slg. Bonhoff 1913, vz.

Estimated price
100 €
100 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10034 1

Brakteat (0,55g), Hartmann II., 1250-1286. Av: Thronender Bischof mit Kreuzstab und Krummstab von vorn. Berger 2644, Randausbruch, ss.

Estimated price
50 €
Starting bid
50 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10035 1

Kipper 48 Kreuzer (Zwölfbätzner), o.J. (1620/1621), Maximilian I., Hahn 74, Schrötlingsfehler, Kratzer und Tintensignatur, ss.

Estimated price
150 €
160 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10036 1

2 Kreuzer, 1624, Maximilian I., München, KM 128.2, ss.

Estimated price
30 €
Starting bid
30 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10037 1

Taler, 1772, Maximilian III. Joseph, Hahn 330, justiert, ss-vz.

Estimated price
60 €
Starting bid
60 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10038 1

1/2 Taler, 1774, Maximilian III. Joseph, Hahn 305, etw. justiert, ss.

Estimated price
50 €
55 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 10039 1

2/3 Taler, 1690, Friedrich III., Minden, Dav. 277, ss.

Estimated price
80 €
Starting bid
80 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 10040 1

Taler, 1773, Friedrich II., Berlin, Dav. 2586, ss.

Estimated price
50 €
85 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

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