Catalog - Rhenumis 8

Results 361-380 of 522
of 27
Coins Medals
Lot 361 1
Plaketten, nichttragbare Medaillen und Preise

NSKK, non-portable participant badge, porcelain white, framed, \"NSKK - 4. Night search drive 1939 - engine group Hessen\", on the reverse side with manufacturer \"Wächtersbach Germany\" and number \"9606\", weight approximate 295 g, mass unframed approximate 150 x150 mm, with scoring card \"assessment silver\", scoring card kinked, condition 2.

Estimated price
150 €
240 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 362 1
Plaketten, nichttragbare Medaillen und Preise

NSKK, non-portable participant badge, enameled badge put on on star from aluminum bronzed, \"NSKK - Hessen trip 1937 - engine group Hessen\" on the reverse side with manufacturer \"E. F. Wiedmann Frankfurt on M. \", weight approximate 85 g, mass approximate 90 x90 mm, condition 2.

Estimated price
50 €
190 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 363 1
Plaketten, nichttragbare Medaillen und Preise

National Socialist Flyer corps (NSFK), badge \"8. Silesian glide competition the NSFK group 4 and 6 Grunau 5.-12.6.1938 group 6 Silesia\", in the original case with blue velvet insert and white Paper lining with golden overprint \"NSFK. Group 6 Silesia\", mass the badge approximate 62 x76 mm, weight approximate 36, 5 g, condition 2.

Estimated price
100 €
310 €

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Lot 364 1
Plaketten, nichttragbare Medaillen und Preise

NSKK, non-portable participant badge, zinc, \"night orientation trip by the South Harz - NSKK - engine group Thuringia 1938\", on the reverse side with manufacturer \"Brehmer Mark new churches\", weight approximate 137 g, mass approximate 88 x88 mm, right and left 2 drills to the Mount, in the black case, condition 2.

Estimated price
180 €
200 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 365 1
Waffen-SS, SS Dispositional Tr

Generally SS and armament SS, box belt buckle for teams, aluminum through embossed, manufacturer \"RZM 822 / 38 SS\" for the company Richard Sieper & sons Lüdenscheid, Originality questionable, swastika and wreath filed, condition 2.

Estimated price
200 €
410 €

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Lot 366 2
Waffen-SS, SS Dispositional Tr

Folding brochure \"the mothers and woman of our killed in action to the Totengedenktag 9. November 1944\", with portrait photo and 3 x photo wedding generally SS and 1 x photo marching picture generally SS, condition 2.

Estimated price
150 €
200 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 367 8
Waffen-SS, SS Dispositional Tr

Small effects estate of a former SS sergeants with cuff title Body standard \"Adolf Hitler\", metal thread, length approximate 35 cm, pair epaulettes Body standard \"Adolf Hitler\", weapons colour red, pair collar patch of the Unterscharführers, sleeve eagle for captain and a ring with SS runes black enameled and silver hallmark \"835\", the ring has an approximate weight from 6, 8 g, all effects were by / on his own admission of the Unterscharführers of the uniform separated, a collar patch with fabric defect, loops the epaulettes severed, mixed condition. The still existing papers were us of the family unfortunately not with presented, however were us in the original presented: HJ membership card, document east medal, document Iron Cross 2. Class, promotion writing and a military ID card replacement letter. From the military ID card replacement letter may we following entries quote: SS sergeant born 1921, military ID card page 12: belonging to the Office. 5.3.40 to 16.12.44 IV. Kind. Regiment LSSAH, 27.3.45. To 18.5.45 Gen. Kdo. I. SS tank Corps headquarters company, 17.12.44 to 26.3.45 field Ers. Brigade 1 LAH, military ID card page 22: promotions: 20.4.41 SS private first class, 1.6.42 SS corporal, 1.3.44 SS sergeant, military ID card page 24: decoration and badge of honour: EK. Small II 15.8.42, east medal 1.9.42, K. V. K. With Schw. 1.5.45, SS Service Award 4. Step 20.4.44, military ID card page 32: in the wares went through battles: 3.4.41 - 30.4.41 Balkan campaign, 22.6.41 - 15.8.43 Eastern Campaign, 16.8.43 - 1.10.43 Italian campaign, 1.10.43 - 15.4.44 Eastern Campaign, 6.6.44 - 16.12.44 invasion and use in the west, 1.2.45 - 10.5.45 use in Hungaria and southeast and 17.12.44 - 26.3.45 Felders. Brigade.

Estimated price
3,000 €
3,200 €

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Lot 368 1
Waffen-SS, SS Dispositional Tr

Pair cufflinks, SS runes silver on black ground, enameled, without counter, condition 2.

Estimated price
100 €
270 €

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Lot 369 1
Waffen-SS, SS Dispositional Tr

Civil badge at needle, 14 mm, enameled, on the reverse side with counter \"900 silver\" and manufacturer \"Gahr Munich\" in addition to it engraved membership number \"60608\", Hüs. 4133 a, slightly carried, contact marks, condition 2.

Estimated price
250 €
520 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Coins Militaria
Lot 370 2
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Worker book for foreigner, French people, condition 2.

Estimated price
20 €
30 €

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Lot 371 2
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Worker book for foreigner, French people, condition 2.

Estimated price
20 €
30 €

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Lot 372 4
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Small lot with military ID card, 2 x German Know card (postwar), proof of ancestry, Personenausweis German German National Railway, membership card inland socialist War victim provision e. V. Chair Berlin, DGB member book and German Stenographers' Association member book, mixed condition.

Estimated price
60 €
Lot 373 2
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Estimated price
120 €
170 €

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Lot 374 5
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Identification and service book of a member of the combat squad 79 infantry division, Stalingrad, with various entries, condition 3.

Estimated price
50 €
190 €

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Lot 375 2
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Identification and service book of a present soldiers in the fortress Saint Nazaire, with entry bestowal single circle 2. Class at the 8.5.45, anterior cover page punched, condition 3.

Estimated price
100 €
110 €

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Lot 376 3
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Identification and service book of an Air Force member with entry flak combat use Dresden, in addition to it discharge certificate, mixed condition.

Estimated price
40 €
60 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 377 2
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Identification and service book of a sailors on the kreuzer \"admiral Hipper\", with different order registrations and photo of the Cruiser, condition 2.

Estimated price
200 €
220 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 378 2
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Identification and service book and German Armed Forces driving license of a sergeant, identification and service book with Entry Spanish Cross in bronze, east medal and KVK, condition 2.

Estimated price
150 €
160 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 379 2
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

Identification and service book and military ID card of a member of the German Africa corps, identification and service book in front with camp cancel, entry Africa allowance and others, mixed condition.

Estimated price
80 €
150 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 380 2
Ausweise, Mitgliedsbücher und Mitgliedskarten

German Armed Forces, military ID card, unmailed, without entries, 56 sides, on the reverse side with overprint \"Metten & Co. Berlin SW61 reprint 1942\", condition 1-2.

Estimated price
50 €
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