Catalog - Rhenumis 1

Results 2201-2220 of 2317
of 116
Coins Books
Lot 2205 4
Literature - Numismatics

Antique Greece lot (7 books) : Franconian, P. And Hirmer, M. The Greek coin. Munich 1964; Milne, J. G. Greek Coinage. Reprint Darmstadt 1979 ( Oxford 1931). Simonetta, B. The coins of the Cappadocian King. Fribourg 1977 (3 pieces, new) ; Pierfitte, G. Les Monnaies Grecques you Musee Saint Raymond de Toulouse. Toulouse / Paris 1939; Brentano, L. The economic life the antique world. Jena 1929; ;

Estimated price
100 €
160 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2206 7
Literature - Numismatics

Mixed lot (6 books) : brakeman, W & Rupprecht, R. Roman coins and her prices. Grünstadt 1988; Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (SNG) The Collection of the American Numismatic Society, part 6, Pallestine South Atrabia (2 St. ) ; Mayer, Fr. A. : introduction in the old Roman numismatics. Zurich, 1842; RHINE State Museum Bonn, scientific Contributions to the archaeology. In Archaeo Physika volume 7. Cologne / Bonn 1980. Various recherches arche'ologiques en Afghanistan (1933-1940) In: Me'moires de la De'le'gation arche'ologique franc, aise en Afghanistan, 8. Paris 1959; ;

Estimated price
30 €
32 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2207 11
Literature - Numismatics

Lot (3 books) : Chabouillet, A. - Catalogue raisonne de la collection de Deniers Merovingiennes of the VII & VIII siecles. De la trouvaille de Cimiez donne au Cabinet of the Medailles de la Biblioteque national par Arnold Morel Fatio Paris, 1890.62 S, 11 Tf. (double) ; d'Am_court, P., Monnaies m_rovingiennes de chalone sur Sa"ne. Paris 1874, 116 S., 5 Tf. Original - soft cover. Condition III. ;

Estimated price
40 €
42 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2208 4
Literature - Numismatics

Mixed lot (5 books) ; Mainzisches Münzcabinet of the princes Alexander from Hessen, (reprint 1968) ; flour, M. The coins of the diocese Hildesheim, part 2, the embossing period 1599 to 1783, B. 1 ( Hamburg, 2002) ; Kohl, Chr. Taler sections of the electoral principality Saxony Albertine line 1547-1763 (Leipzig, 1994) ; Gottwald, E. Offenbacher emergency currency ( Hemsbach, 1994) ; modern gold coins in the Coin collection of the German bank (Frankfurt (Main), 1985) ; ;

Estimated price
60 €
Lot 2209 3
Literature - Numismatics

Lot ( 6 books) ; numismatic periodical, published by the Austrian numismatic Geselschaft in Vienna, the complete alignment 76. Volume, 3 Tf and text illustration, Vienna 1955; Möbius, H. Alexandria and Rome. In treatises, new Would follow, booklet 59, Munich 1964; Buchenau, H. Contributions to the Frankish nünzkunde of the 15. Jh, Munich 1926; Jensen, O. The english Peterspfennig and the Lehensteuer from England and Ireland to the Papstuhl in medieval times, Heidelberg 1903: Barthe, J. B. Medallas de la Proclamation de A. M. La Reina Dona Isabel II., Madrid 1841 (reprint) ; anonymous description of the modern coins, V. 4, e. 72 (o. D. ), with book-plate and owner cancel; ;

Estimated price
15 €
Lot 2210 11
Literature - Numismatics

India, lot ( 2 books), Singh, R. & Prakash, S., Coinage in Ancient India (Delhi, 1968) ; allan, J. Catalogue o the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of Sasanka, King of Gauda (London, 1976). Condition II. ;

Estimated price
15 €
Lot 2211 15
Literature - Numismatics

Lot (3 books) : Vinke, E, Apuntes sobre la Lectura de Varias Leyendas en Monedas Celtiberas. Palöamos, 1953 ( Broschure) ; Calicó, F. X, Aportacion a la Historia Monetaria de Santa Fe de Bogot (Colombia), Barcelona, 1953. (Broschure) and Ferrari, J. N. & Pardo, Y. R. F, Amonedation de Córdoba. In Numismatica V. Buenos Aires 1951. (leatherette volume with numerous illustration) ;

Estimated price
30 €
Lot 2212 4
Literature - Numismatics

Lot (6 books) : Pimenta Ferro, M. J. - Cat logo de Moedas Portuguesas do Gabinete de Numism tica there Biblioteca Nacional de Lisbopa (Vol. I), Brochado, 316 S., Lisboa, 1978; Nehr, K. P Empire coin. Made 1984; Cross, W. K. Cross The Charlton Standart Cataloque of Canadian Coins, Toronto 1988; seaby, H. A. Standart Catalogue of britisch Coins, Volume I. London 1965; Pilegaard, J. Among others - victory Montkatalog 1995- Norden Aalborg 1994; Gaettens, R. Why and like treasures you coins and medals?, Halle 1926; ;

Estimated price
10 €
10 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2213 6
Literature - Numismatics

Lot: 3 books, 2 folio panel volumes and 4 auction catalogues: Annot Braeckmann, C., Notice sur le Cabinet Monnetaire de S, A, le Prince de Ligne, D'Amblise et D'Epinoy, count de Fagnoles, grand D'espagne de la premiere Classe, magnate de Pologne, and so on. Gand 1880; flour, M., Declectat est Docet commemorative publication to the 100 years of existence of the Unite the Münzenfreunden in Hamburg. In: numismatic studies booklet 16, Hamburg 2004 (new) ; Wigg, D, circulation in North Gaul about the middle ground of the 4. Century to Chr. In: studies to the find coins the antique (SFMA). Berlin 1991 (new) ; Danske kongelige Segl and Danssce Haandvaerkerlavs Segl. Copenhagen 1951; Heinrich winter auction catalog no. 39, coins and medals Germany foreign country Probn (25.26 and 27 sept. 1980) and no. 105- Germany foreign country, coins medals badges of 4. / 5. July 2008 (2 x). Auction catalog Spink Banknotes of the World (8. Oct. 2007). ;

Estimated price
50 €
Lot 2214 97
Literature - Numismatics

South America, mixed lot from 21 books: Read Monedas de Cuba (1870-1953), Th. Lismore, havana 1955 (2 x) ; American Cuide to U. S. Coins, Ch. French, New York 1972; Money and Finance in Mexico during the Constitutionalist revolution 1913-1917, R. A. Banyai; Paper Money of Paraguay and Uruguay, B. Seppa, San Antonio 1970; Catalogo Monedas y Billetes Espanoles, J. M. Aledon, Valencia 1983; The Coins and Paper Money of El Salvaador, Al. F. Almanzar & B. S. Stickney, San Antonio 1973; Monedas de la republica Argentina desde 1813 a nuestros Slide, A. J. Cunietti Ferrando, buenos Aires 1978; Katalogo de Monedas Venezolanas, J. P. Celis & A. Brito, Caracas 1971; The Medals of Ecuador, Al. Almanzar & D. Seppa, San Antonio 1972; Birth of the cubane souvenir Peso, R. Pasant, 1968; Unitet States Territorial Coinage for the Philippines Iceland, N. Shafer, Rcine 1961; The Coins of Uruguay 1840-1971, Al. Almanzar & D. Seppa, San Antonio 1971; The Coins of Peru 1822-1972, Al. Almanzar & D. Seppa, San Antonio 1972; Copper Coins of Central and S++damerika, O. P. Eklund, 1962; The Money of Puerto Rico, M. M. Gould & L. W. Higgie, Racine 1962; Coins of Colombia, Al Almanzar & D. Seppa, San Antonio 1973; Catalogo the Medalhas there Republica Bahia, K. Prober, Rio de Janeiro 1965; American guide to U. S. Coins, Ch. F. French, New York 1976; Monedas de la Republica Argentina, A. Taullard, buenos Aires 1924; Monografia Sorb el Regimen Monetario de la Republica Oriantal del Uruguay 1829-1955, A. O. Lezama, reprint Montevideo 1956; La Revolucion de Mayo en la medalle, J. N. Ferrari among others, buenos Aires 1960; Read medallas acunadas y auspiciadas por la Asociacion Numismatica Argentina 1954-1974, M. A. Migliarini, San Nicolas de lot Arroyos 1974. ;

Estimated price
50 €
85 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2215 6
Literature - Paper Money / Not

Gottwald, E, Offenbacher emergency currency. Hofheim 1994.657 S., paperback. Condition I-II. ;

Estimated price
30 €
Lot 2216 6
Literature - Paper Money / Not

Mao, K. O, Chinaman Paper Currency. Ilustrated Catalogue of bank Notes issued by the Central bank of China from 1923-1949, Volume 1. Hong Kong 1968.793 S., bound issue. Condition II. ;

Estimated price
15 €
Lot 2217 28
Literature - Paper Money / Not

Emergency currency, lot from 7 books: Pick, A. & Siemsen, C., the German language emergency currency, loose cash bank notes 1916-1922 IV. Part: series note. Munich 1975; Pick, A., paper money lexicon, 3. Revised edition. Rain baptism, 1992; Grabowski, H. L, German emergency currency. Emergency currency the specific kind, B. 9 ( cash notes from fabric, leather and other unusual materials) and B. 10. ( the banknotes and provisional cash notes of the German countries, provinces and districts), Rain baptism 2005 / 2006; fiddler, A., German emergency currency B. 3. The German language Large need money 1918-1921, catalogue of all provisional cash notes in the nominal value of 1 to 100 Mark, Rain baptism 2003; Keller, A., German emergency currency, B. 7, the emergency currency of the German inflation 1923 (Aachen Lindenberg), 2004 (Reprint) and B. 8, the emergency currency of the German inflation 1923 (Lindenthal Zwota), 2004 (Reprint). ;

Estimated price
10 €
30 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Coins Medals
Lot 2218 1
Deutsche Ordenspangen bis 1933

Order buckle of a soldiers in the first world war with 2 awards, Iron Cross 1914 2. Class OEK 1909 and cross of honor for front-line soldier 1914-1918 with swords OEK 3803 / 1, condition 2. ;

Estimated price
30 €
40 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2219 12
Deutsche Ordenspangen bis 1933

Medal clasp with 5 awards, as well Iron Cross 1914 2. Class, front-line soldier cross of honor with swords, Austria war memories medal 1914-1918, medal Austria-Hungary 1914-1918 "Pro antiperspirant et Patria" and Bulgaria war memories medal 1915-1918, condition 2. In addition to it 4 x belt buckle and 5 x miniatures at reverse or west chain, all condition 2. ;

Estimated price
150 €
150 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2220 1
Deutsche Ordenspangen bis 1933

Prussia, medal clasp with Century Medal, war memorial medal 1870 / 71 and Territorial Army Service Award 2. Class, condition 2. OEK 1941;

Estimated price
30 €
30 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2221 1
Auszeichnungen Deutscher Staaten bis 1933

Saxony, Albrechts decoration, silver medal (1861-1876), 1. Model, at the volume, OEK 2180, condition 2. In total only 776 bestowals. Rare! ;

Estimated price
600 €
945 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2222 1
3. Reich Zivile Auszeichnungen

Regional winner in the National Vocational Competition 1939, non-ferrous metal bronzed and enameled, reverse manufacturer "Ferd. Wagner Pforzheim", slight worn traces, condition 2. OEK 3779;

Estimated price
120 €
250 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2223 1
3. Reich Sportehrenzeichen, Sportauszeichnungen

Standsch++tzen organisation Tyrol Vorarlberg, Gau badge of achievement in bronze 1939, enameled, large execution 52 mm, at stitching, condition 2. ;

Estimated price
60 €
60 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 2224 1
3. Reich Sportehrenzeichen, Sportauszeichnungen

SA sport badge in bronze 2. Type (1935-1939), manufacturer "Berg & Nolte A. G. Lüdenscheid", reverse "property D. S. A. Sport badge / central office", in addition to it winners certificate 6. Institute competitions in Munich dated 5. / 6. August 1939 and document Table tennis individual championship of the district VI (middle) dated Dessau 4. December 1938, all condition 2. OEK 3635 / 2;

Estimated price
40 €
65 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Results 2201-2220 of 2317
Results per page:
of 116
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Rhenumis 1, Münzen Antike und RDR, Münzen Deutschland bis 1918, Münzen Deutschland ab 1919, Europa und Übersee, Medaillen, Sammlungen, Banknoten, Literatur, Varia, Militaria, Schmuck, Rhenumis 1
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