Catalog - Coins, medals and notes single lots

Results 1-20 of 560
of 28
Coins Medals
Lot 20751 1

Nuremberg, Christopher Kress from Kressenstein, lead cast medal (diameter approximate 38, 50 mm, approximate 23, 06 g), 1526, seeming from Matthes Gebel, on the patrician and Nürnberg-based alderman and captain Christopher Kress from Kressenstein. Av: bust to right, therefore: "CRISTOF KRES XXXXII IAR old". Rev: lying harness, on that a tournament helmet with Keinod and blanket, therefore: "CRISTOFF KRES from KRESENSTAIN M D XXVI". Comp. Collection Lanna 946, collection Erlanger -, ss. Very rare!

Estimated price
240 €
Starting bid
240 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20752 1

Palatinate Neuburg, Otto Heinrich, bronzed lead cast medal (diameter approximate 42, 20 mm, approximate 34, 87 g), 1531. Bust hatted to the right, circumscribed. Rev: Fortuna with sail in boat to the right, in section beneath 5 lines characters. Collection Memmesheimer 2828, edge nick, ss.

Estimated price
160 €
Starting bid
160 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20753 1

Johann Georg I., 1615-1656. Undated (1627) 21.140 g. Silver medal from Sebastian Dadler on concord and discord, Aversum: a cavalier kissing an almost nude woman and picks to your breast, before that a reich laid table, SUSTINEMUR CONCORDIA, reverse: a woman attacked your husband, the they to the hair pulls, before that a table, on the be a dog and a cat to struggle, right lies a broken jug, at the bottom on the table the signature S D, DISCORDIA PESSUMUS, seeming contemporary cast, small planchet fault at the edge. Med. I. Dreiß. War 180 no. 163, rare, ss.

Estimated price
230 €
230 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

Lot 20754 1

Brunswick Wolfenbüttel. 1710 59.500 g. Silver medal undated (1710), on both sides with signature 'M' (R. Marenholz). On the wedding Elisabeth Sophie Maries with August Wilhelm of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Aversum: length portrait the duchess to the right, in transcription name and form of address. Reverse: length portrait of the duke to the right, in transcription likewise name and form of address. Scratch, small edge nick. As well two old provenance label. Brockmann 292 Lange 729, very fine+.

Estimated price
270 €
270 €

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Lot 20755 1

Augsburg, Vergoldete Bronzemedaille (29,80 g, 49,04 mm), 1710, Taufmedaille mit Bibelzitaten und Taufszene, Forster 871, rev. Exerguefeld bearbeitet, ss.

Estimated price
100 €
Starting bid
100 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20756 1

Preußen, Friedrich I., Bronzemedaille (Dm. 30mm, ca. 12,09g), 1713, möglicherweise späterer Guss, von G. Hautsch, auf die Erlangung des Fürstentums Neuenburg und die Geburt von Friedrichs Enkel, Friedrich Ludwig, den Sohn des Kronprinzen (Friedrich Wilhelm) und dessen Gemahlin Sophie Dorothea von Hannover, keine Randschrift, mehrere Rf. Brockmann vgl. 431 (Silber), ss.

Estimated price
30 €
Starting bid
30 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20757 1

Ludwig Georg, 1707-1761.1714 29.120 g. Under guardianship his mother Frances Sibylla Augusta (² 1733), unsigned silver medal on the peace from Rastatt, Aversum: Prince Eugene and marshal de Villars sit each other in Roman clothing opposite and rich be the hands, to the sides palms trees and war trophies, reverse: Chalkboard with two fishes, to the sides the sign of the Jupiters and the Sun. Collection Montenuovo 1429 collection Julius 1217 Pi N 452 Berstett 532 Popelka 185 (there in bronze) Senk 392 (there in pewter), rare, ss.

Estimated price
130 €
Starting bid
130 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20758 1

Nuremberg, lead cast medal (diameter approximate 37, 50 mm, approximate 21, 23), undated, on the Nürnberg-based Patritzier George Keczel. Av: bust left, therefore "GOT PIN I GEPORN GOT LEB I GOT STIRB I". Rev: helmeted coat of arms, therefore "JORG KECZEL LXIIII IAR old". Ss.

Estimated price
240 €
Starting bid
240 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20759 1

Hamburg, Silbermedaille (Dm. 39,3mm, 19,4g), 1803, von Loos, auf ie 1000 Jahrfeier der Stadt Hamburg. Av: Ansicht des Alsterbassins mit dem Jungfernstieg, darüber Genius auf Wolke. Rev: Sitzende Hammonia mit Schild unter einer Eiche. Gaedechens 1999, kl. Rf., ss-vz.

Estimated price
120 €
120 €

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Lot 20760

Silbermedaille (Dm. 36,12 mm, 17,05 g), o.J. (ca. 1803), von Loos auf Zuneigung und Freude, Av.: mit Füllhorn in der Rechten und Rosenzweigen in der Linken nach links schwebender Engel, Umschrift in zwei Zeilen, Rv.: sieben Zeilen Text in einem Kranz aus Rosen und Lilien, zeitgenössisch lose gefasst, feine Tönung, Sommer B56, vz.

Estimated price
50 €
Starting bid
50 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20761 1

Hamburg, Silbermedaille (40,67 g, 46,2 mm), 1809, D. F. Loos, zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum Johann Jakob Rambachs, Senator und Pastor von St. Miachel. Gaedechens 196, 11, av. scharfes Relief, rosa-schwarze Tönung, Kratzer, fast vz.

Estimated price
120 €
220 €

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Lot 20762 1

1817 16.590 g. Pewter medal on the high prices, Aversum: italics inscription inside a circles from Stars and points with the occasion the embossment: in the year 1817 / war the Theuerung / so gross that / 1 Schefel kernels 88 fl. / 1 Sch: - Gersten 52 fl. / 1 Sch: - Haber 24 fl. / 1 Sri peas 7 fl. 1 Sri / Kartoff. 3 fl. And 1 lb Brod / 18. Kr / Z (logogram of the Medailleurs), reverse: bright God's eye, with aging collection sachets, trace of handle. Rare reverse, s.

Estimated price
30 €
Starting bid
30 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20763 1

Saxony, Anton, silver medal (Dm. 39, 30 mm, 28, 62 g), 1830, from C. R. Krueger, 300 years Augsburg-based confession. Av: the length portraits from Luther, John the Steadfast and Melanchthon next to one another to the right. Rev: handover scene the confession, circumscribed. Collection Merseb. 2152, contact marks, extremly fine to uncirculated.

Estimated price
230 €
250 €

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Lot 20764 1

Hamburg, Bronzemedaille (Dm. 42,5mm, 38,7g), 1832, von Pfeuffer, auf das 50 jährige Jubiläum des Senators Johann Georg Bausch. Av. Brustbild Bauschs nach links. Rev: 8 Zeilen Schrift im Eichenkranz. Gaedechens 2056, Randfehler, kl. Kr., vz-st.

Estimated price
30 €
50 €

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Lot 20765 1

Preußen, Friedrich Wilhelm III., Bronzemedaille (Dm. 45 mm, 56 g), 1839, von C. Pfeuffer, auf 300 Jahre Reformation in Brandenburg, Av: Brustbilder von Kurfürst Joachim II. und König Friedrich Wilhelm II. gestaffelt nach links. Rev: Abendmahl, vz-st.

Estimated price
30 €
Starting bid
30 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20766 1

Hamburg, bronze medal (diameter approximate 42, 40 mm, approximate 42, 23 g), 1841, from H. Laurence, on the new stock exchange. Av: seated Harmonia to the right, in the background the stock exchange. Rev: 8 lines characters in the wreath of oak leaves. Gaed. 2069, tiny edge nick, small Kr., extremley fine

Estimated price
50 €
Starting bid
50 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20767 1

45.130 g. Hamburg. 1842 45.130 g. Copper medal from H. Wilkens & sons on the destruction the St. Petri church in Hamburg at the 07. May 1842. Aversum: church view before the blaze, therefore cit. And basic information of the Turmbaus. Reverse: ruin view after the blaze, therefore cit. And date of destruction as well signature. Edge inscription: "GEPRAEGT from the copper of the ST. PETRI THURMS to Hamburg". Corrosion spots, ss.

Estimated price
40 €
Starting bid
40 €

Bidding currently not possible.

Lot 20768 1

26.420 g. Köln, Bronzemedaille (Dm. 41mm, ca. 26,42g), 1842, auf den Weiterbau des Kölner Doms, Av.: unvollendeter Turm mit Baukran, Rv.: Ansicht der geplanten Fassade, Kratzer und Rf. ss-vz.

Estimated price
30 €
60 €

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Lot 20769 1

Hamburg, Bronzemedaille (Dm. 42,5mm, ca. 42,4g), 1841, von H. Lorenz, auf die neue Börse. Av: Sitzende Harmonia zeigt mir der linken auf die neue Börse, im Hintergrund die alte. Rev: 8 Zeilen Schrift im Eichenlaubkranz. Gaedechens 2069, schöne Patina, wz. Kr., f. st.

Estimated price
30 €
35 €

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Lot 20770 1

Hamburg, Bronzemedaille (Dm. 44,4mm, 42,4g), 1842, unsigniert (v. Loos), auf den großen Brand. Av: Grundriss der Stadt. Rev: Phönix aus den Flammen emporsteigend. Gaedechens 2075, kl. Rf., vz-st.

Estimated price
30 €
55 €

This lot is not available for purchase anymore.

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